commands [ currency: !coins ]

!active - shows how long youve been active for

!best - top 5 most active users

!boss - start a boss battle

!catfacts - random cat facts

!challenge (user) - challenge a user

!christmas - countdown to christmas

!coins - displays ur coin amount

!commands - shows a list of commands

!count - counts the amount of time this command has been used

!dad - random dad joke

!discord - link to the discord

!dogfacts - random dog facts

!feedback - give feed back to the stream

!ffa - start a free for all

!flip (amount) - gamble your coins 50/50 chance

!forecast (city) - displays forecast to said city

!gamerscore (gamertag) - displays xbox gamerscore for "gamertag"

!give (user) (amount) - gives "user" "amount" coins from ur balance

!heist (amount) - start a heist 

!life - random life advice 

!math - do math (example: 2+2)

!news - latest news article (source bbc)

!numfacts - random number facts

!ru - picks a random user

!share - share the stream

!tc - shows top 5 richest users 

!uptime - displays how long the stream has been running

!urban (term) - displays the definition of "term" pulled from the urbandictionary

!weather (city) - displays weather of "city"

!tag (user) - tags "user" If you're IT (tag)

!whosit - lets you know whose IT (tag)

!tagme - Get tagged, only works If somebody tagged nightbot (tag)

!key - gives random dj khaled quote

!id - fetches your unique ID (can prevent cloning maybe) ID can then be pasted to